Document Type : Review Article


1 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang, Indonesia

2 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of 17 August 1945 Semarang, Indonesia


This research aimed to show how a company can improve its service quality of hospital community’s satisfaction through Perceived value and Perceived service quality through brand Trust which is appropriate with Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning with Public Service and Government Regulation Number 96 of 2012 concerning with the Implementation of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning with Public Service. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents through google form. The population of this research included the health care service of Bendan Hospital in Pekalongan City in the second semester in 2020 with unknown number and the number of samples were 154 people, which was based on random sampling. PLS version 3 was used to test the hypothesis. The research result of perceived value and perceived service quality affected the hospital community’s satisfaction through the variable of brand trust mediation.         

Graphical Abstract

The Effect of Perceived Value, Perceived Service Quality on Community Service Satisfaction: A Case of Bendan Hospital Patient in Pekalongan City



Law number 25 of 2009 concerning with Public Services and Government Regulation Number 96 of 2012 concerning with the Implementation of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning with Public Services, mandates all government agencies both central and regional level, to conduct a Community Satisfaction Survey as a measure of success provision of service. Two legal products implicitly emphasize that public satisfaction is a measure to assess the quality of public services. As a follow-up to the two regulations. Furthermore, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform issued a Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 16 of 2014 concerning with Guideline for Survey of Community Satisfaction with Public Service Provider. One of the institutions that needs to be conducted for a community satisfaction survey is a hospital.

Based on Law number 23 of 2014 concerning with Regional Government, in the attachment to health affair, the hospital is an individual referral service. District/City is required to provide individual health service and referral health service. According to Law No. 44 of 2009, a hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health service that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency service. Hospital has the task of providing complete individual health service.

The community has the right to get the best service because the Government plays a role in maintaining the quality of hospital service, through the Ministry of Health with Law No. 44 of 2009 concerning with Hospital article 43 paragraph (1) which states that hospital implement patient safety, which means hospital service provide comfort for all patients [1].

Several studies on community satisfaction for a hospital tend to occur only in certain parts, for instance, satisfaction at a pharmaceutical installation such as in research Pareraway Denise & Bodhi, 2016 [2], based on the result of the study, there is a dimensional gap that has the highest level of satisfaction in a row, such as: tangible, assurance, responsiveness and empathy and finally reliability. In this research, it was combined into one in each section and combined between outpatient and inpatient care. Other studies have also found that doctors and patients value sustainability in health care. Continuity is measured in several ways but few studies have examined the specific relationship between the duration of the patient-doctor relationship and patient outcome.

Primary care is at the core of modern health care delivery and improves access and quality of health care. Primary care as an integrated medical care provider that addresses individual health care needs such as physical, mental, emotional problems and is ch

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